Thursday, April 12, 2012

POOR EFFORT!! that first and last post was a while ago, LOL!! Poor effort on my part. Shall we try again? Why yes....I think I will! Here we go  : )

Friday, March 4, 2011

So. . . . I'm obviously new to blogging!

There are so many fabulous blogs that I follow almost every day. I have for some time now been contemplating doing my own, but just was not sure how to get started -or- if anyone would even care what I had to say. At last, I've decided to bite the bullet, so to speak, and get on with it. So here we are. . .

Most of my posts will deal with my creative happenings with stamping and paper crafts. I am currently engaged in a weight loss effort with my dear friend, Weight Watchers, too. I thought I would use this spot to help keep me more accountable with that as well.

(Now, I've just got to figure out how to post pictures on here.)

I'm gonna share a couple of cards with you as soon as I figure that out, promise. I hope you all are having a wonderful day. I've gotta head to the shower, pick up Owen, and get ready for work tonight. I'll play around with all this and get some pics posted soon. ..  . I hope.